DUO Liping
Title: Professor
Subject: Chemical Physics
Phone: 0411-84379046
Research Interests

Prof. Liping Duo (born: 1968, Jilin, China) Graduated from the Department of Physics at Jilin University in 1990, She has been working for Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and got Master degree and Doctor degree in 1993 and 1998, respectively. She was appointed as a research Professor in 2003. She has completed and is undertaking several projects supported by NSFC and 863 Hi-Tech Program of China.

Research focuses are thus placed on
Parameters measurements and diagnostics for chemical oxygen iodine lasers.
Mechanism and kinetics in the chemical lasers.
Study of new concepts of chemical lasers systems.

Honors and Awards
1. Liping Duo, Guofu Li, Efficient pulsed chemical oxygen-iodine laser with instantaneous generation of atomic iodine by volumetric discharge, Chinese Optics Letters, vol.10(9) 091403-1-091403-3(2012)
2. Liucheng Li,Liping Duo,Yuanhu Wang et al.Spectral analysis of cavity chemiluminescence of a combustion driven HF laser fueled by NF3, SPIE proceeding,2015,9255(92552E)
3. Shukai Tang, Liping Duo*, Fengting Sang, Haijun Yu, Jian Wang, and Yuqi Jin, Combustion Parametric Optimization for All Gas-Phase Iodine Laser Driven by D2/NF3/DCl Combustion and Self-Pooling of NCl(a) Catalyzed by NF(a)/NF(b), J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 741–744
4. Liping Duo; Shukai Tang|; Haijun Yu Jian Wang Xiangde Min Liucheng Li Yuqi Jin; Bailing Yang; and Fengting Sang; DC discharge characteristics and fluorine atom yield in NF3/He[J] Chinese Optics Letters.2006,4(03),170-172.
5. Liping Duo*, Tieji Cui, Zengqiang Wang, Wenwu Chen, Bailing Yang, Fengting Sang,Measurements of Absolute O2(a1D) Concentration in Singlet Oxygen Generator by using the Piston Source Method,J. Phys. Chem. A, 2001,105, 281-284
6. Weili Zhao, Liping Duo*, Fengting Sang and Fang Chen, Measurements of the yield and chlorine utilization of singlet oxygen generator by use of Raman spectroscopy, Appl. Opts., 2003(6), Vol.42, No.18
7. Liping Duo, Fengting Sang, Xiangde Min, Yinli Qu, Yizhu Sun, Bailing Yang, Qi Zhuang, and Cunhao Zhang, “The Hyperfine Gain Spectrum, Gain Profile, and Cavity Temperature in a Supersonic COIL”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol.35, No.10, 1999, P1382—1385
8. Liping duo, Bailing Yang, Fengting Sang, Yuqi Jin, Fuling Li, and Qi Zhuang,  “Temporal and 2-D small-signal gain measurements in a supersonic COIL”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol.34, No.7, July 1998 , P482-485