YANG Xueming
Title: Professor
Subject: Chemical Physics
Research Interests
1. Reaction transition state Structure and dynamics
2. Elementary reaction full quantum State-to-state dynamics
3. Molecular photodissociation dynamics
4. Dynamics of Interaction between molecule and surface
Professor Xueming Yang received his Ph. D. in chemistry from University of California at Santa Barbara in 1991. After postdoctoral experiences in Princeton University and University of California at Berkeley from 1991 to 1995, he became an associated research fellow in the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences in Taipei at the end of 1995, and was promoted to a full research fellow with tenure in 2000. In 2001, he made a move to Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and become a research fellow and director of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics. From 2012, he became the deputy director of DICP.
Honors and Awards
Time Honors and Awards 
2002 Overseas Chinese Physics Association Achievement in Asia Award 
2005 China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists 
2006 Fellow of the American Physical Society 
2007 Outstanding achievement award of science and technology of CAS 
2008 National Natural Science Award (Second Class) 
2008 HEHL Foundation Award in chemistry 
2008 Zhou Guang Zhao Foundation Award for Outstanding Youth in Basic Science 
2009 Chang Jiang Scholars Achievement Award 
2010 Supervisor of National Outstanding Ph. D. Thesis 
2010 Tan Kah Kee Science Awards 
2011 Humboldt Research Award 
2012 Member of CAS 
2013 National high-level talents special support plan
1. T. Yang, J. Chen, L. Huang, T. Wang, C. Xiao, Z. Sun, D. Dai, X. Yang, D. Zhang, Extremely Short-Lived Reaction Resonances in Cl + HD (V = 1)→DCl + H due to Chemical Bond Softening, Science, 347, 60-63 (2015).
2. T. Wang, J. Chen, T. Yang, C. Xiao, Z. Sun1, L. Huang, D. Dai, X. Yang, D. Zhang, Dynamical Resonances Accessible Only by Reagent Vibrational Excitation in the F + HD→HF + D Reaction, Science, 342, 1499-1502 (2013).
3. X. Yang, T. Minton, D. Zhang, Rethinking Chemical Reactions at Hyperthermal Energies, Science, 336, 1650-1651 (2012).
4. C. Xiao, X. Xu, S. Liu, T. Wang, W. Dong, T. Yang, Z. Sun, D. Dai, X. Xu, D. Zhang, X. Yang, Experimental and Theoretical Differential Cross Sections for a Four-Atom Reaction: HD+OH→H2O+D, Science, 333, 440-442 (2011).
5. W. Dong, C. Xiao, T. Wang, D. Dai, X. Yang, D. H. Zhang, Transition-State Spectroscopy of Partial Wave Resonances in the F+HD Reaction, Science, 327,  1501-1502 (2010).
6. X. Wang, W. Dong, C. Xiao, L. Che, Z. Ren, D. Dai, X. Wang, P. Casavecchia, X. Yang, B. Jiang, D. Xie, Z. Sun, S.-Y. Lee, D. H. Zhang, H.-J. Werner, M. H. Alexander, The Extent of Non-Born-Oppenheimer Coupling in the Reaction of Cl(2P) with para-H2, Science, 322, 573-576 (2008).
7. L. Che, Z. Ren, X. Wang, W. Dong, D. Dai, X. Wang, D. H. Zhang, X. Yang, L. Sheng, G. Li, H.-J. Werner, F. Lique, M. H. Alexander, Breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation in the F+o-D2→DF+D Reaction, Science, 317, 1061-1064 (2007).
8. M. Qiu, Z. Ren, L. Che, D. Dai, S. A. Harich, X. Wang, X. Yang, C. Xu, D. Xie, M. Gustafsson, R. T. Skodje, Z. Sun, D. H. Zhang, Observation of Feshbach Resonances in the F+H2→HF+H Reaction, Science, 311, 1440-1443 (2006).
9. D. Dai, C. C. Wang, S. A. Harich, X. Wang, X. Yang, S. D. Chao, R. T. Skodje, Interference of quantized transition-state pathways in the H+D2→D+HD chemical reaction, Science, 300, 1730-1734 (2003).
10. S. Harich, D. Dai, C. Wang, X. Yang, S. Chao, R. Skodje, Forward scattering due to slow-down of the intermediate in the H+HD→D+H2 reaction, Nature, 419, 281-284 (2002).
11. X. Liu, J. J. Lin, S. Harich, G. C. Schatz, X. Yang, A quantum state-resolved insertion reaction: O(1D)+H2(J=0)?OH (2, v, N) + H(2S), Science, 289, 1536-1538 (2000).
12. R. N. Dixon, D. W. Hwang, X. F. Yang, S. Harich, J. J. Lin, X. Yang, Chemical “double slits”: Dynamical interference of photodissociation pathways in water, Science, 285, 1249-1253 (1999).