LI Gang
Title: Professor
Subject: Optical Engineering
Phone: 0411-84379778
Research Interests

1. Fine Optical Thin Film;

2. Fine Optical Fabrication and Testing;

3. High heat load Optical Mirror.


Born in 1977; B.S., Physics, Liaocheng University (1999); Ph. D., Optics, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2004). Associate Professor in 2007 and Professor in 2014, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics.

Honors and Awards

1. Li Gang,Lv Qipeng,Gong Faquan,Wang Feng,Sun Long,Jin Yuqi etc. Growth of High Purity Alumina Coatings by Plasma Assisted Pulse-DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering under Less Oxidation Condition. CHINESE JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2014, 34(2):1-6.

2. Deng Songwen, Wang Feng, Liu Shunfu, Li Gang , Sun Long , Jin Yuqi etc. Residual stress prediction and control of Ta2O5/SiO2 multilayer based on layer structure designing. Chinese Optics Letters. 2013(11),10,S10701-1.

3. Liu Wanfa, Gong Faquan, Li Gang, Song Shaozhong, Sang Fengting etc. Intracavity polarization control of high power chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Opt. Eng., Vol. 47, 114002 (2008).

4. Li Gang, Gong Faquan, Liu Wanfa,Sun Long,Sun Lianchun etc. Fabrication of R mirror with 90b phase retardance in COIL resonator. High Power Laser and Particle Beams , 2003, 15( 9) :859) 862)