ZHANG Weiqing
Title: Professor
Subject: Physical Chemistry
Phone: 0411- 84379867
Research Interests

Free electron laser, Extreme ultraviolet laser, Ultrafast, Beamline

Weiqing Zhang is a professor of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS and a visiting scholar at Southern University of Science and Technology. He received his BS degree in Chemistry from University of Science and Technology of China in 2004 and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), CAS in 2010. He continued his postdoctoral work at Fritz-Haber Institut der MPG, Germany with support of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation from 2010 to 2012. He joined the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics full time in 2012. 

He started his research career from basic science research, publishing more than 20 papers in the field of physical chemistry. Then he changed his research interest and was involved into three free electron laser projects deeply after his Ph.D. The research experience during Ph.D. has been helping understand FEL user’s need in more details. In 2010 he joined the IR FEL project in Fritz-Haber-Institut der MGP in Germany as one of the main contributors just when the project was approved. It achieved first lasing in 2012 and has been regarded as a successful FEL machine proposed, built and operated by user themselves. After returning to China he was appointed as the duty chief engineer for Dalian Coherent Light Source (DCLS). DCLS, as the unique VUV light source from 50-150nm in the world, has delivered bright beam in picoseconds or 100 femtoseconds for diverse research 24 hours per day since 2018. The IR & THz FEL at Hefei is under commissioning.
Honors and Awards

Excellent Ph.D. Degree Paper of CAS, 2011

Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship Germany, 2011


1. G.R. Wu, W.Q. Zhang, H.L. Pan, Q. Shuai, B. Jiang, D.X. Dai, X.M. Yang*, A new crossed molecular beam apparatus using time-sliced ion velocity imaging technique, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 094104(2008). (The same contribution as the first author)

2. W.Q. Zhang, G.R. Wu, H.L. Pan, Q. Shuai, B. Jiang, D.X. Dai, X.M. Yang*, Product Vibrational State-to-State Correlation in the F + SiH4 ? HF(vHF) + SiH3 (0v20) Reaction: A Crossed Molecular Beam Ion-Imaging Study, J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 4652(2009).

3. W.Q. Zhang, H. Kawamata, A.J. Merer, K.P. Liu*, IR-UV Double-Resonance of Methyl Radicals and a Determination of the Detection Sensitivity of REMPI Bands, J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 13133 (2009).

4. W.Q. Zhang, H. Kawamata, K.P. Liu*, CH Stretching Excitation in the Early Barrier F + CHD3 Reaction Inhibits CH Bond Cleavage, Science 325, 303(2009).

5. G.R. Wu, W.Q. Zhang, H.L. Pan, Q. Shuai, J.Y. Yang, B. Jiang, D.X. Dai, X.M. Yang*, Crossed molecular beam ion-imaging study of the Cl + SiH4 ? HCl + SiH3 reaction: product vibrational state-to-state correlation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 9469(2010). (The same contribution as the first author)

6. W.Q. Zhang, Y. Zhou, G.R. Wu, Y.P. Lu, H.L. Pan, B.N. Fu, Q. Shuai, L. Liu, S. Liu, L.L. Zhang, B. Jiang, D.X. Dai, S.Y. Lee, Z. Xie, B.J. Braams, J.M. Bowman, M.A. Collins, D.H. Zhang*, X.M.Yang*, Depression of reactivity by the collision energy in the single barrier H + CD4 ?HD + CD3 reaction, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107, 12782(2010).

7. J.M. Zhang, S.A. Lahankar, D.J. Garton, T.K. Minton*, W.Q. Zhang, X.M. Yang, Crossed-Beams Studies of the Dynamics of the H-Atom Abstraction Reaction, O(3P) + CH4 → OH + CH3, at Hyperthermal Collision Energies, J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 10894(2011).

8. H. Kawamata, W.Q. Zhang, K.P. Liu*, Imaging the effects of the antisymmetric stretch excitation of CH4 in the reaction with F atom, Faraday Discussions 157, 89(2012).

9. B. Zhao*, W.Q. Zhang, W. Schollkopf, Non-destructive quantum reflection of helium dimers and trimers from a plane ruled grating, Mole. Phys. 111, 1772(2013).

10. T. Zhang, H.X. Deng*, W.Q. Zhang, G.R. Wu, D.X. Dai, D. Wang, X.M. Yang, Z.T. Zhao, FEL Polarization Control Studies on Dalian Coherent Light Source,Chin. Phys. C 37, 118101(2013) .