Title: Professor
Subject: Chemical Physics
Phone: 0411-84379809
Research Interests

1. Multi-physics simulation of chemical lasers

- Development of numerical program/platform for laser performances prediction (Software Copyright: 2013SR027820)

- Investigation of coupled multi-scale simulation methods

2. Large eddy simulation(LES)of the mixing/reacting flow

- Appraisal of LES along with validation of the new SGS scalar flux model

- Primary study of turbulent mixing processes with chemical reaction

- Account for turbulence-chemistry interactions (PDF transport modeling)

3. Flow control

- Passive and active modification of turbulent mixing processes

- Investigations of the influences of flow structures on the lasing process and improve the beam quality by reducing the flow turbulence.


2011-Recent Professor, Modeling & Simulation Group Lead, Key Laboratory of chemical laser, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences

2007-2011 Associate Professor, Key Laboratory of chemical laser, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences

2005-2007 Postdoctoral Research Institute for Energy and Power plant Technology, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany

2002-2005 PhD, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. Dissertation “Large Eddy Simulation in the Scalar Field”

2000-2002 Master, Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark Dissertation “Thermal model of induction motors”

1995-1999 Bachelor , Mechanical Department, Sichuan Technical University

Honors and Awards
2011 “802 Program” Advanced Individual  
2012 The Second Prize at Provincial Level  

1. Y. Huai, A. Sadiki, S. Pfadler, M. L?ffler, F. Beyrau, A. Leipertz,F. Dinkelacker, “Experimental Assessment of Scalar Flux Models for Large Eddy Simulations of Reacting Flows”, Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 5, 2006

2. Y. Huai, A. Sadiki, S. Pfadler, M. Loeffler, F. Beyrau, A. Leipertz,F. Dinkelacker, “Experimental Assessment of Scalar Flux Models for Large Eddy Simulations of Reacting Flows”, Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 5, Vol.2, pp.110-121, 2007

3. Y. Huai, B. Kniesner, A. Sadiki, S. Jakirli? , “Large Eddy Simulations of Passive-scalar Mixing using a Tensorial Eddy Diffusivity-based SGS-Modeling”,Advances in Turbulence XI, Volume 117, pp 630-632,2007

4. Y. Huai, S. Q. Jia, Y. Q. Jin, “Analysis and Optimization of Mixing Processes With LES: An Application to SCOIL”, AIAA paper, pp. 4006-4010, 2009

5. Kenan Wu, Ying Huai, and et al.,“Coupled simulation of chemical lasers based on intracavity partially coherent light model and 3D CFD model”, Optics Express, Vol. 19-27, pp. 26295-26307, 2011

6. Ying Huai, Shu qinjia, and et al., “The Influence of Flow Structures on Supersonic Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser Output with Numerical Analysis” Chinese Laser, Vol.11, 2013

7. Ying Huai, Shou-Zhe Li, and et al., “Characteristic Study of an Atmospheric-Pressure Radio-Frequency Capacitive Argon/Nitrogen Plasma Discharge” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 42-6, pp1648-1853, 2014