Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
WANG Longxing
Title: Associate Professor
Subject: Analytical Chemistry
Research Interests

Environmental Assessment and Analysis

Development of novel analytical technology for environmental pollutants, including high-efficiency sample preparation, sampling equipments, chromatography-mass spectrometry methods and biosensor; development of integrated analysis of biological and chemical exposomes; and development of emission control technology for dioxins.

Honors and Awards
1. Wang Lin, Wang Longxing, Ni Yuwen*, Zhang HaiJun, Chen Jiping, “Evaluation of thermal adsorption and desorption properties of dioxins on 11 absorbents”, Chinese Journal of Chromatorraphy, 2020(39),4,437-443
2. YANG Changqing, WANG Longxing, HOU Xiaohong, CHEN Jiping?,” Analysis of pollution levels of 16 antibiotics in the river water of Daliao River water system”, Chinese Journal of Chromatorraphy, 2012(30),8,756-762
3. Wang Longxing, Zhang Lefeng, Xiao Hongbin, Liang Xinmiao,” New uniform algorithm to predict reversed phase retention values under different gradient conditions”, Analytica Chimica Acta 2003 (476), 123–129
4. Wang Longxing , Chen Jiping , Zhang Lefeng,” Universal Method for Association of Retention Values Under Different Temperature Conditions”, Journal of Instrumental Analysis,1999,18(3),32-35