Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
ZHANG Shaoqian
Title: Professor
Subject: Material Physics and Chemistry
Phone: 0411-84379263
Research Interests
1. Optimization of high power laser beam quality damaged by optothermal effect.
2. Development of key optical materials in near-mid infrared laser.
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Professor, 2021/07 - present
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Associate Professor, 2013/07 - 2021/07
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Assistant Professor, 2011/0- 2013/07 
University of Rennes 1, France, Ph.D, Chemistry, 2006/09 - 2010/10 

Fudan University, B.S., Material Science, 2000/09 - 2004/07

Honors and Awards
China National Excellent Student Study Abroad Scholarship
Member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS

1. Dashuang Ding; Junhui Wang; Jing Ren; Youbao Sang; Liping Duo; Shaoqian Zhang*; Yuqi Jin, Enhanced Luminescence by SPR-Induced Hot Electron Injection In Hybrid Au and Ga2O3:Ni Nanoglass Ceramics, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124(42): 23394-23399.

2. Dashuang Ding; Yanlong Wang; Changgui Lin*; Jing Ren; Wenbo Shi; Pengyuan Wang; Bing Yang; Shaoqian Zhang*; Liping Duo, Structural phase evolved Ni2+-doped fluoride nanocrystals in KFZnF2SiO2 glass ceramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2021, 104(2): 824-832.
3. Yanlong WangQin Zhou; Leilei Kang; Liang Yang Han Wu; Zhiwen Zhou; Chuanhai Xiao; Jianping Guo; Fan Yang*; Shaoqian Zhang*; Gang Li; Yuqi JinOxide-water interaction and wetting property of ceria surfaces tuned by high temperature thermal agingAppl. Surf. Sci., 2021, 554: 149658.
4. Dashuang Ding; Yanlong Wang; Changgui Lin*; Shaoqian Zhang*; Liping Duo, Trapped excited electrons in Ni2+-doped perovskite KZnF3 nanocrystals in KF-ZnF2-SiO2 glass ceramics, Opt. Lett., 2020, 45(18): 4984-4987.
5. Dashuang Ding; Jian Gao; Shaoqian Zhang*; Liping Duo, The photoluminescence properties of Pr3+-Yb3+ co-doped gallo-germanate glasses and glass ceramics as energy converter, J. Lumin., 2020, 226: 117512.