Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
CHEN Wenwu
Title: Professor
Subject: Chemical Laser
Phone: 0411-84379043
Research Interests

Wenwu Chen, graduated and received his Bachelor of Science from the Department of Chemical Physics, University of Science and Technology of China in 1992. He was appointed Associate Fellow by Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) and had researched of the chemical energy of Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser (COIL) in 1992, and had researched of COIL as a visiting scholar in the Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences in 1998. Since 1999 he has been an Associate Professor and leader of the Group of High Efficiency Chemical Energy of COIL in DICP.

Research Interests:

The primary interests in his group is to research and develop the Singlet Oxygen Generator (SOG), the resource of energy for COIL, and to find the method to produce high energy state of molecular oxygen by chemical engineering, fluid mechanics and gas-liquid reaction engineering. His group had been developed rotating disk type and jet type SOG, which were succeeded to be used in COIL system. And now his group is interested in uniform droplet SOG, the most efficiency chemical energy for COIL. 

Honors and Awards