Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
JIAO Fengjun
Title: Associate Professor
Subject: Chemical Engineering
Research Interests
Microchemical engineering and technology

1. Design and assemble microreactor modules and systems, including 1kW methanol fuel processor, sabatier CO2 reduction system for space station, 10 Nm3/h CO2 absorption equipment, 1,000t/a cetane number improver pilot device, 10,000t/a petroleum sulfonates production facility.

2. Process development of fine chemicals synthesis, including antiscorching agent CTP, liquid propellant hydroxy-ethylhydrazinium nitrate(Abbr. HEHN).

3. Process development and Scale-up of the continuous flow reaction, including nitration of benzene, toluene, trifluoromethoxybenzene.

Associate Professor/Senior Engineer, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, 2013/07 - present

Assistant Professor, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, 2003/01 - 2013/06

B.S., Environmental EngineeringKunming University of Science and Technology, 1998/09 - 2002/07

Honors and Awards
First prize of 2010 Technological Invention Award (third author) by the Dalian City Government, 2011
 1. Yuanhai Su; Yuchao Zhao; Fengjun Jiao; Guangwen Chen; Quan Yuan ; The Intensification of Rapid Reactions for Multiphase Systems in a Microchannel Reactor by Packing Microparticles, AIChE Journal, 2011, 57(6): 1409-1418
2. Yang, Mei; Jiao, Fengjun; Li, Shulian; Li, Hengqiang; Chen, Guangwen ; A self-sustained, complete and miniaturized methanol fuel processor for proton exchange membrane fuel cell, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 2015, 287(287): 100-107
3. 赵玉潮; 杨梅; 吉定豪; 焦凤军; 黄延强 ; Sabatier反应器的小型化研究, 载人航天, 2016, 22(5): 582