Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
YE Mao
Title: Professor
Phone: 0411-84379618
Research Interests

1. Catalytic process development

2. Fluidized bed reactor and scale-up

3. Multi-phase flow modelling and measurements

1. 2010/06-now: Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Professor

2. 2009/10-2010/06: Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Associate Professor

3. 2006/10-2009/10: Shell Global Solutions Int. B.V., Amsterdam, FCC Engineer

4. 2006/05-2006/09: Twente University, Faculty Sci. Technol., Research Fellow

5. 2005/05-2006/04: Eindhoven University of Technology, Dept. Mech. Eng., Research Fellow

6. 2000/12-2005/04: FOM / Twente University, Faculty Chem. Technol., Research Scientist

7. 1997/05-2000/06: Southeast University, Ph.D., Thermal Engineering

8. 1994/09-1997/04: Southeast University, M.Eng., Thermal Engineering

9. 1990/09-1994/07: Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, B.Eng., Power Engineering

Honors and Awards

Hou Debang Science and Technology Innovation Award of Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (2019)

The National Ten-thousand Talents Program (2018)

Zhang Dayu Outstanding Scholar of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (2017)

Newton Advanced Fellowship of Royal Society (2015)

The 100 Talents Program in Liaoning Province (2015)


1. Mingbin Gao, Hua Li, Wenjuan Liu, Zhaochao Xu, Shichao Peng, Miao Yang, Mao Ye,and Zhongmin Liu. Imaging spatiotemporal evolution of molecules and active sites in zeolite catalyst during methanol-to-olefins reaction. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 3461

2. Jiajia Liu, Chenggong Li, Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. The rotation of 2D elliptical porous particles in a simple shear flow with fluid inertia. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32: 043305

3. Qiang Guo, Mao Ye, Wuqiang Yang, and Zhongmin Liu. A machine learning approach for electrical capacitance tomography measurement of gas-solids fluidized beds. AIChE Journal, 201965: e16583.

4. Hua Li, Xiaoshuai Yuan, Mingbin Gao, Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. Study of catalyst coke distribution based on population balance theory: application to methanol to olefins process. AIChE Journal2019, 65: 1149-1161.

5. Xiaoshuai Yuan, Hua Li, Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. Kinetic modeling of methanol to olefins process over SAPO-34 catalyst based on the dual-cycle reaction mechanism. AIChE Journal, 2019, 65:662-674

6. Mingbin Gao, Hua Li, Mao Ye, Miao Yang, Pengfei Wu, Peng Tian, and Zhongmin Liu. Direct quantification of surface barriers for mass transfer in nanoporous crystalline materials. Communication Chemistry, 2019, 2: 43.

7. Qiang Guo, Shuanghe Meng, Dehu Wang, Yinfeng Zhao, Mao Ye, Wuqiang Yang, and Zhongmin Liu. Investigation of gas-solids bubbling fluidized bed by electrical capacitance tomography with a modified Tikhonov regularization reconstruction technique. AIChE Journal2018, 64: 29-41.

8. Xiaoshuai Yuan, Hua Li, Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu, 2017. Comparative study of MTO kinetics over SAPO-34 catalyst in fixed and fluidized bed reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 329: 35-44

9. Chenggong Li, Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. On the rotation of porous particle in simple shear flow with fluid inertia. Journal of Fluid Mechanics2016, 808: R3

10. Hua Li, Mao Ye, and Zhongmin Liu. A multi-region model for reaction-diffusion process within a porous catalyst pellet. Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 147: 1-12