Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
HOU Baolin
Title: Professor
Subject: Chemical Engineering
Phone: 0411-84379673
Research Interests
1. Theoretical and experimental investigation on the fluid flow, transport phenomena and reaction in the gas-liquid reactor;

2. The investigation on the transport phenomena and reaction kinetics in the decomposition of nontoxic liquid propellant.  

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Professor, 2021/07 - present
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Associate Professor, 2015/07 - 2021/07
Institute of Process Engineering, CAS, Ph.D, Chemical Engineering, 2007/09 - 2011/07 
Taiyuan University of Technology, M.S, Chemical Engineering, 2003/09 - 2006/07 

Taiyuan University of Technology, B.S., Chemical Engineering, 1999/09 - 2003/07 

Honors and Awards
1. Baolin Hou#, Yanqiang Huang#, Xiaodong Wang*, Xiaofeng Yang, Hongming Duan, Tao Zhang. Optimization and Simulation of the Sabatier Reaction Process in a Packed Bed. AIChE. J., 2016(62): 2879-2892.
2. Baolin Hou, Xiaodong Wang*, Tao Li, Tao Zhang. Steady-State Behavior of Liquid Fuel Hydrazine Decomposition in Packed Bed. AIChE. J., 2015(61): 1064-1080.
3. Zhenlei Li, Junying Zhang, Baolin Hou*, Aiqin Wang. Kinetic study of cellulose hydrolysis with tungsten-based acid catalysts. AIChE. J., 2019(65): e16585.
4. Deyang Gao, Xue Li*, Baolin Hou*, Mao Ye, Aiqin Wang, Xiaodong Wang, Tao Zhang. Capturing the flow field of bubbly flows using BTV in high viscosity liquid. Chem. Eng. Sci. (2020)227:115943.
5. Xue Li, Deyang Gao, Baolin Hou*, Xiaodong Wang*, An inserted layer LBM for thermal conduction with contact resistances. Chem. Eng. Sci, 2021(233)116431.