Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
YANG Xiaofeng
Title: Professor
Subject: Industrial Catalysis
Phone: 0411-84379416
Research Interests
1. Nano- and single-atom catalysis.
2. Theoretical and computational catalysis.
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), 2011 - present
Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University. (Post-doc. researcher), 2010 - 2011
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. (Ph.D degree in Industrial Catalysis), 2003 - 2010
Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University. (BS degree), 1999 - 2003.
Honors and Awards
1. Award for Young Science and Technology Star, Dalian City (2016)
2. Member of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS (2017)
3. Excellent Young Scientist of DICP (2017)
1. Qiao, Botao; Wang, Aiqin; Yang, Xiaofeng; Allard, Lawrence F.; Jiang, Zheng; Cui, Yitao; Liu, Jingyue*; Li, Jun*; Zhang, Tao*. Single-atom catalysis of CO oxidation using Pt1/FeOx. NATURE CHEMISTRY (2011)
2. Yang, Xiaofeng; Wang, Aiqin; Qiao, Botao; Li, Jun*; Liu, Jingyue*; Zhang, Tao*. Single-Atom Catalysts: A New Frontier in Heterogeneous Catalysis. ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH (2013)
3. Zhou, Huiran+; Yang, Xiaofeng+; Li, Lin; Liu, Xiaoyan; Huang, Yanqiang; Pan, XiaoLi; Wang, Aiqin*; Li, Jun; Zhang, Tao*. PdZn Intermetallic Nanostructure with Pd-Zn-Pd Ensembles for Highly Active and Chemoselective Semi-Hydrogenation of Acetylene. ACS CATALYSIS (2016)
4. Liu Qinggang; Yang, Xiaofeng*; Li, Lin; Miao, Shu; Li, Yong; Li, Yanqin; Wang Xinkui*; Huang, Yanqiang*; Zhang, Tao. Direct catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 to formate over a Schiff-base-mediated gold nanocatalyst. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2017) 
5. Shao, Xianzhao; Yang, Xiaofeng*; Xu, Jinming; Liu, Song; Miao, Shu; Liu, Xiaoyan; Su, Xiong; Duan, Hongmin; Huang, Yanqiang*, Zhang Tao. Iridium Single-Atom Catalyst Performing a Quasi-homogeneous Hydrogenation Transformation of CO2 to Formate. CHEM (2019)