1. Characterization of nanocatalysts with advanced electron microscopy;
2. Development of in - situ dynamic characterization methods and techniques of electron microscopy.
1. 2001-2007 PhD, Dalian University of Technology & Institute of Physics CAS
2. 2007-2009 Postdoctoral, Stockholm University, Sweden
3. 2009-2018 Associate Professor, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
4. 2018- Professor, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
1. A new hexagonal phase displaying pseudo-icosahedral symmetry in Mg-Y alloys, Scripta Mater., 2009, 60, 683.
2. A complicated quasicrystal approximant ε16 predicted by the strong-reflections approach, Acta Cryst. B, 2010, 66, 17.
3. Structure determination of [3Fe2S] complex with complicated pseudo-merohedric twinning, Z. Kristallogr., 2012, 227, 221.
4. Enhancement of photocatalytic activity for overall water splitting on Ga2O3 with α-β phase junction, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 13089.
5. Nanoparticles at Grain Boundaries inhibite the phase transformation of perovskite membrane, Nano. Lett., 2015, 15, 7678.