Title: Professor
Subject: Organic Chemistry & Physical Chemistry
Phone: 0411-39787215
Research Interests

The scientific interests of Prof. Feng Wang cover the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and material chemistry, with specific attention to the design and development of metal-oxide nano-catalysts for their advanced applications in energy related material science and environmentally benign processes of biomass transformation. He has published more than 190 journal papers and more than 170 Chinese patents have been authorized.

Ongoing projects include:

  •    Synthesis and characterization of structurally well-defined nanomaterials, such as metal oxides, zeolites, and metal nanoparticles
  •      Development of green and environmentally benign processes for the production of oxygenates from olefins, alcohols and carbon oxides
  •     Catalytic upgrading of biomass (lignocellulose and derivatives) into phenolic compounds, alcohols and polymer building blocks
  •       Photocatalysis for solar fuel production, CO2 valorization, and biomass conversion
  •       Theoretical calculations and machine learning in catalytic materials and chemistry


Sep 1995 – Jul 1999 Zhengzhou University, China, Department of Chemistry, B.S.

Sep 1999 – Jan 2005 Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of sciences, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, Adviser: Prof. Jie Xu

Aug 2005 – Sep 2006 University of California at Berkeley, Postdoctoral fellow in Chemical Engineering, with Prof. Dr. Alexander Katz and Enrique Iglesia

Sep 2006 – Dec 2009 Hokkaido University, Japan, Postdoctoral fellow in Catalysis Research Center, With Prof. Dr. Wataru Ueda

Dec 2009 – Jun 2011 Associate Professor, principal investigator, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

Jun 2011 – present    Professor, principal investigator, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

Academic Appointment:

Associate Editor, ACS Catalysis

Editorial Advisory Board of ChemSusChem, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, Green Carbon

Honors and Awards

2023  First-class Dalian Natural Science Award

2022  Rare Earth Science and Technology Award - First Prize of Fundamental Research

2021  Min Enze Energy and Chemical Industry Award - Outstanding Contribution Award

2020  National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars, NSFC

2020  ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Awards

2020  Jiaxi Lu Excellent Mentor Award

2019  NSFC-RS Newton Advanced Fellowship

2019  Mentor Award of Chinese Academy of Science

2016  Cheung Kong Youth Scholar Program, Ministry of Education of P.R. China

2014  National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, NSFC

2013  The first Prize for the Natural Science Scholastic Attainment of Liaoning Province

2012  “Young Scientist Award”, 15th International Congress on Catalysis, Munich

2012  Lin Liwu excellent Youth Award

2012  Chinese Catalytic Xinxiu Award, Chinese Chemistry Society


1. N. Li, K. Yan, T. Rukkijakan, J. Liang, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, H. Nie, S. Muangmeesri, G. Castiella-Ona, X. Pan, Q. Zhou, G. Jiang, G. Zhou, J. Ralph, J. S.M. Samec*, F. Wang*. Selective lignin arylation for biomass fractionation and benign bisphenols. Nature, 2024, doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07446-5.

2. N. Luo, T. Montini, J. Zhang, P. Fornasiero, E. Fonda, T. Hou, W. Nie, J. Lu, J. Liu, M. Heggen, L. Lin, C. Ma, M. Wang, F. Fan, S. Jin, F. Wang*. Visible-light-driven coproduction of diesel precursors and hydrogen from lignocellulose-derived methylfurans. Nat. Energy, 2019, 4(7), 575-584.

3. Z. Huang#, Z. Zhao#, C. Zhang, J. Lu, H. Liu, N. Luo, J. Zhang, F. Wang*. Enhanced photocatalytic alkane production from fatty acid decarboxylation via inhibition of radical oligomerization. Nat. Catal., 2020, 3(2), 170-178.

4. X. Chen, Y. Xia, Y. Wu, Y. Xu, X. Jia*, R. N. Zare*, F. Wang*. Sprayed Oil–Water Microdroplets as a Hydrogen Source. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 15, 10868-10874.

5. R. Zhang#, Z. Zhang#, X. Chen#, J. Jiang, L. Hua, X. Jia,* R. Bao,* F. Wang*. Pyrogenic Carbon Degradation by Galvanic Coupling with Sprayed Seawater Microdroplets, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 8528-8535.

6. Z. Gao, J. Mu, J. Zhang, Z. Huang, X. Lin, N. Luo*, F. Wang*. Hydrogen bonding promotes alcohol C–C coupling, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 41, 18986-18994.

7. J. An#, Y. Wang#, J. Lu, J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, S. Xu, X. Liu, T. Zhang, M. Gocyla, M. Heggen, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, P. Fornasiero, F. Wang*. Acid-promoter-free ethylene methoxycarbonylation over Ru-clusters/Ceria: the catalysis of interfacial lewis acid-base pair. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140(11), 4172-4181.

8. Y. Wang, F. Wang*, Q. Song, Q. Xin, S. Xu, J. Xu*, Heterogeneous Ceria Catalyst with Water-Tolerant Lewis Acidic Sites for One-Pot Synthesis of 1,3-Diols via Prins Condensation and Hydrolysis Reactions. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135(7), 1506-1515.

9. H. Zhou; M. Wang*; F. Wang*, Oxygen-controlled photo-reforming of biopolyols to CO over Z-scheme CdS@g-C3N4. Chem, 2022, 8, 465-479.

10. P. Ren, Z. Gao, T. Montini, Z. Zhao, N. Ta, Y. Huang, N. Luo*, E. Fonda, P. Fornasiero*, F. Wang*. Stepwise photoassisted decomposition of carbohydrates to H2, Joule, 2023, 7(2), 333-349.

11. Q. Song, F. Wang*, J. Cai, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, W. Yu, J. Xu*, Lignin depolymerization (LDP) in alcohol over nickel-based catalysts via a fragmentation-hydrogenolysis process. Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6(3), 994-1007.

12. M. Wang, M. Liu, J. Lu, F. Wang*. Photo splitting of bio-polyols and sugars to methanol and syngas. Nat. Commun., 2020, 11(1), 1083-1091.

13. Y. Wang, M. Peng, J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. An, S. Du, H. An, F. Fan, X. Liu, P. Zhai, D. Ma*, F. Wang*. Selective production of phase-separable product from a mixture of biomass-derived aqueous oxygenates. Nat. Commun., 2018, 9(1), 5183.

14. C. Zhang,* X. Shen, Y. Jin,* J. Cheng, C. Cai, F. Wang*, Catalytic Strategies and Mechanism Analysis Orbiting the Center of Critical Intermediates in Lignin Depolymerization. Chem. Rev. 2023, 123, 8, 4510–4601.

15. Chaofeng Zhang, Feng Wang. Lignin Conversion Catalysis: Transformation to Aromatic Chemicals[M]. Weinheim, Germany: WILEY-VCH GmbH, 2022. Print ISBN 978-3-527-34973-9.