JIN Yuqi
Title: Professor
Subject: Chemical Physics
Phone: 0411-84379041
Research Interests

Research field:

Gas and chemical lasers

Laser optics

The main search areas:

Supersonic chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) system integration

Optical resonator optimized design and experimental study

Continuous wave to pulse transform technology

Laser wavelength shift technology

Optics measurement and diagnostics

Novel pressure recovery system for chemical lasers

Professor Yuqi Jin was born in 1965 in Dalian, China. He was received his BS degree in Applied Physics from Tianjin University (China) in 1988. He has a nearly thirty years of research experiences in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) on a number of subjects in chemical lasers, he was a assistant professor of DICP from 1988 to1995, an associate professor of DICP from 1995 to 2001, a professor of DICP from 2001.He held the post of the Secretary of CPC from 2021 to present, the director of Key Laboratory of Chemical Lasers, DICP, CAS from 2008 to present. He also was a member of the expert group of the National High Technology Research and Development Program ("863"Program) from 2000 to present.
Honors and Awards


Distinguished Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences 


the New Century Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project (National), China 


The First Prize off National Science and Technology Progress 


The Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress 


1. Zengqiang Wang, Fengting Sang, Yuelong Zhang, Yuqi Jin et al., An Experimental Research On The Mixing Process Of Supersonic Oxygen-Iodine Parallel Streams, Optics and Laser Technology, 64, 53-63(2014)

2. Kenan Wu, Ying Huai, Shuqin Jia, Yuqi Jin et al.. Coupled Simulation of Chemical Lasers Based on Intracavity Partially Coherent Light Model And 3d CFD Model, Optics Express, 19(27), 26295-26307(2012)

3. Shukai Tang, Liping Duo, Yuqi Jin et al., Combustion Parametric Optimization for All Gas-Phase Iodine Laser Driven by D-2/Nf3/Dci Combustion And Self-Pooling of Nci(A) Catalyzed by Nf(A)/Nf(B), Journal of Physical Chemistry A ,114(2), 741-744(2010)

4. Mingxiu Xu, Fengting Sang, Yuqi Jin, Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser Diluted by CO2/N2 Buffer Gases with a Cryosorption Vacuum Pump, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,47(11), 8446–8448( 2008)

5. Yuelong Zhang, Fengting Sang, Peng Zhang, Yuqi Jin, Multikilowatt Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser with Chemical Generation of Molecular Iodine, Applied Physics Letters, 91, 011110 -11113(2007)

6. Shukai Tang, Liping Duo, Yuqi Jin, Experimental Study on an All Gas-Phase Iodine Laser Using Microwave Discharge of Cl2/He As a Cl Atoms Source. Applied Optics, 45(27), 7126-7130(2006)

7. Deli Yu, Fengting Sang, Yuqi Jin, Yizhu Sun, Output Beam Drift and Deformation in High-Power COIL, Optics and Laser Technology, 35, 245-249 (2003)

8. Deli Yu, Fengting Sang, Yuqi Jin, Yizhu Sun, Output Beam Analysis Of An Unstable Resonator with a Large Fresnel Number For a Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser, Opt. Eng., 41(10), 2668-2674 (2002)