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The chemical nature of metabolic reprogramming

Posted: 2019-12-18

Time:18th Dec., 2019, 15:00 pm
Venue:Communication Center
Lecturer:Prof. LI Binghui, Basic Medical School, Capital Medical University

Metabolic reprogramming extensively occurs in proliferating cancer cells. This phenomenon occurs highly heterogeneously, but its origin has remained unclear. Here we propose a concept to profile the potential free electrons of metabolites. With this concept, we can conveniently calculate electrons dissipated in metabolic transformations.

Based on the law of conservation of electron in chemical reactions, we further build up an electron balance model for central metabolism and it can accurately dictate metabolic behaviors under hypoxia. Our model specifies that biosynthesis of both proline and lipid actually acts as the alternative electron bin to enable electron transfer in proliferating cells under hypoxia. Furthermore, we extend the model to uncover the chemical nature underlying aerobic glycolysis that essentially results from both energy requirement and electron balance.

Taken together, enabling electron transfer integrates and underlies metabolic reprogramming. Importantly, our model helps to reveal combinations of promising targets to inhibit tumor growth under hypoxia by blocking electron consumption, and could guide future studies on cancer metabolism.

PhD Li Binghui is the professor at Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Basic Medical School, Capital Medical University. He obtained PhD degree at Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences during 2000.09~2006.07; accepted postdoctoral training at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Northwestern University, and Ben May department for cancer research, University of Chicago, USA from 2006.05 to 20010.10; was a professor at Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital through 2010.12 to 2017.10; moved to Capital Medical University as a professor since 2017.10. His group’s research interests include: dissecting chemical mechanism underlying metabolic reprogramming; coordinative metabolism of nutritional metabolites; identifying metabolic biosensors. Up to date, he has more than 20 publications in Cancer Cell, Nature Commun., J. Exp. Med., and J. Mol. Cell Biol.
Contanct: Xu Guowang
Phone: 84379530