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Protonic Ceramic Electrochemical Cells for Power Generation and Renewable Fuels Production

Posted: 2019-11-25
 Time:25th Nov., 2019, 10:00 am
Venue:State Key Laboratory of Catalysis A
Lecturer: Prof. Ryan O’Hayre, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Through years of steady technological advancement, proton-conducting ceramic materials are approaching a technology readiness level that rivals more well-established oxygen-ion conductors and polymer-electrolyte membranes. Doped barium cerate-zirconate electrolyte materials (BaCexZr1-x-yYyO3-d) are the focus of these efforts. Devices based on these materials have demonstrated impressive performance at intermediate temperatures, often 200–300 oC below that of equivalent oxygen-ion conductors.  Such lower-temperature operation can dramatically reduce device degradation rates, decrease the cost of stack and balance-of-plant materials, reduce thermal-cycling stresses, and enable a wider range of integration options. 
Our research efforts at the Colorado School of Mines are currently focused on developing protonic ceramics for a number of applications, including: hydrocarbon-tolerant protonic ceramic fuel cells for electricity generation (PCFCs), protonic ceramic electrolyzers for fuel synthesis (PCECs) , reversible protonic-ceramic electrochemical cells for energy storage (RePCECs).
In this presentation, we will discuss our recent progress in developing electrochemical energy conversion devices based on these materials, including remarkably high-performance H2 and hydrocarbon-fueled PCFCs; exceptionally efficient (>97% LHV efficiency) PCECs for H2 production and for the co-conversion of steam and carbon dioxide to renewable methane; H2/H2O-based RePCECs with >75% round-trip efficiency (cell-level) for seasonal energy storage, and a reversible ammonia fuel cell for ammonia synthesis/power production.
Prof. O’Hayre’s group at the Colorado School of Mines develops new materials and devices to enable alternative energy technologies including fuel cells and solar cells. Current fundamental research interests extend to aspects of high-temperature catalysis, electrochemistry, solid-state-ionics, electronic and ionic oxides.  Prof. O’Hayre is lead author of Fuel Cell Fundamentals, the world’s best-selling textbook on fuel cell science and technology (translated into both Chinese and Korean) and has published >125 peer-reviewed publications in the field, including papers in Science and Nature, as well as several patents and book chapters. He has received several young-investigator research and teaching honors including the 2009 Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE), the US’s top honor for early-career scientists and engineers.
Contact:MAO Jia, Group 505
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