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Advantages and Applications of Superficially Porous Silica Particle Based Stationary Phases

Posted: 2019-10-09

Time: Oct. 9th, 2019, 10:00 am
Venue: Conference room 306, Biotechnology Building
Lecturer: LUO Chuping Ph.D, Advanced Materials Technology



Dr. LUO Chuping is a Senior Research Scientist in R&D at Advanced Materials Technology. His focus is on developing new stationary phases using superficially porous particles and polymers as supports for both small and large molecule separations. Since joining AMT in 2016, his work has resulted in commercial products for chromatography separations used throughout various industries and markets. Prior to joining AMT, Chuping was credited for developing many other stationary phases, including, but not limited to, ion-exchange, size-exclusion, and supercritical-fluid phases during his time with Sepax Technologies. In addition, Chuping has co-invented technologies used in SFC separations when he worked at Waters Corporation. Outside of AMT, Chuping is active in separation communities. He has been a committee member of the Chinese American Chromatography Association since 2008 and most recently the organization's President.

Contact: Prof. XU Guowang, Group 1808
Phone: 84379530