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Electro-Catalysis at the Atomic Scale

Posted: 2019-10-09

Time: 9th October, 2019, 10:00 am
Venue: State Key Laboratory of Catalysis A, Third Floor Conference Room
Lecturer: Jan Rossmeisl, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


The chemical industry should in the future be based on renewable energy. Therefore, material development for environmentally friendly, electrocatalytic production of valuable chemicals is needed.

Chemicals could be produced using safe, cheap, more environmentally friendly and more abundant reactants than today. The products could be provided on demand at the place where they are needed, reducing expensive and hazardous transport of chemicals. However, stable, efficient and selective catalysts have to be discovered. This requires insight into the surface chemistry at the atomic scale.

The challenge of discovering new catalyst materials is twofold. Firstly, the properties or descriptors of the wanted catalyst have to be identified. Secondly, real materials with the wanted properties should be found.

I will give examples of determining descriptors for different reactions and a method for identify promising catalyst materials based on high entropy alloy, which is a new class of materials with the promise to change the way we discover interesting catalyst materials.


Jan Rossmeisl is Professor of theoretical chemistry at Department of Chemistry and the Nano-Science center at Copenhagen University. Before joining University of Copenhagen in April 2015, Jan was an Associate Professor and group leader for the theoretical catalysis group at Department of Physics at the Technical University of Denmark Jan holds master's (2000) and Ph.D (2004) degrees in physics from the Technical University of Denmark.

Since 2007 supervisor of ~30 Ph.D and Post docs. Coauthor of ~160 publications in peer reviewed journals, co-inventor of 5 patents and co-founder of two startup companies. Research interests include: electrocatalysis, energy conversion, atomic scale simulations, rational interface design for catalysis.

Contact: MAO Jia, Group 505
Phone: 84379307