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Lecture: Engineered Transition Metal Containing Nanomaterials as Efficient Catalysts the Low Temperature Oxidation of Formaldehyde

Posted: 2019-07-10

Time: 10th, July, 10:00 am
Venue: 3rd Floor Conference Room, State Key Laboratory of Catalysis A
Lecturer: Prof. Jean-Francois Lamonier, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Lille, France


Formaldehyde was recently highlighted as a highly toxic VOC compound for human all around the world. Due to the only recent highlighting by governments, the processes to substitute or to eliminate formaldehyde to limit its effect on human health and environment are a few studied to date. Indeed, the available literature on formaldehyde removal (process, mechanism, catalysts...) is limited compared to this available for other VOC molecules including alcohol, BTX, chlorinated compounds, etc. As a consequence, the development of a highly efficient process, selective for its elimination, is needed.

The objective of the lecture is to present the original and promising recent research on this field, using different approaches and including the recent developments in the material chemistry to achieve more efficient processes. Most of the article focuses on heterogeneous catalysis which is highlighted as an industrially viable technology. Compared to other environmental processes (photocatalysis, adsorption) , heterogeneous catalysis can be applied with low energy consumption, and with selective conversion into harmless molecules. In addition, the lecture clearly will present the advantage to use engineered transition metal containing nanomaterials, whose are sometimes found as active as noble metal containing materials. The replacement of these last materials in environmental process is also challenging, due to the well-known limitation of the use of these elements, e.g. high price, limited resource...

Owing to the recent development in material, it was shown that structure and morphology greatly influence the catalytic performance for HCHO oxidation. Specific surface area, porosity, surface reducibility, etc. are ways to improve material activity. Therefore, the synthesis of transition metal containing nanomaterials with original morphologies and improved physical properties recently becomes an attractive research field


Jean-Francois Lamonier is currently a Full Professor in Department of Chemistry and Deputy Director of the Chevreul Institute, Lille University, France. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from the University of Lille in 1993 on the topic Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx). He worked as Assistant Professor at the Littoral Cote dOpale University in Dunkirk (France) from 1996 to 2007. In 2004 he obtained the accreditation to Supervise Research (Habilitation Thesis). In 2007 he was promoted to Full Professor at the University of Lille and joined the “Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide” (UCCS). Since 2015 Jean-Francois Lamonier leads the team “Catalytic Remediation (ReMCat)” of the UCCS. Since 2017 Jean-Francois Lamonier is Associate Professor in the Department of Mining Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials Laval University (Canada).

His research is currently focused on catalytic oxidation technologies for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emissions removal. His research comprises (i) the development of transition metal oxide nanomaterials with emphasis in the elucidation of the structure-chemical properties and catalytic activity relationship and (ii) the coupling of abatement technologies such as non thermal plasma and heterogeneous catalysis. For this last-mentioned topic Jean-Francois Lamonier heads the International Associated Laboratory “Plasma-Catalysis” between Lille University (France) and Ghent University (Belgium).
As recognition of his achievements in research he was honored with two innovative Techniques for the Environment awards from the French Agency for the Sustainable Development (ADEME) in 2001 and in 2010. As of June 2019, Jean-Francois Lamonier has published more than 115 peer reviewed journal articles on heterogeneous catalysis applied to the elimination of environmental pollutants (NOx, VOC). A recent search of Scopus shows his entire publications have been cited about 3000 times. He has an H-index of 32. He is currently Editor in Chief of “Catalysts” Journal (“Environmental Catalysis” section) and Associated Editor for Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering.

Contact: TANG Xiaolu, Group 05T7
Phone: 82463721