Time: March 11th, 2019, 9:00-10:30 am
Venue: Conference room in Biotechnology Building
Lecturer: Jay D. Keasling, University of California, Berkeley
Engineered modular polyketide synthases (PKSs) have the potential to be an extraordinarily effective retrosynthesis platform. Native PKSs assemble and tailor simple, readily available cellular acyl-CoAs into large, complex, chiral molecules. By successfully rearranging existing polyketide modules and domains, one could exquisitely control chemical structure from DNA sequence alone. As an example of the diverse biosynthetic potential of PKSs, we have concluded that approximately 20 of the roughly 150 commodity chemicals tracked by the petrochemical market information provider ICIS could be produced by mixing and matching naturally occurring PKS domains. To form these chemicals, engineered PKSs would load acyl-CoAs, perform a programmed number of extension reactions, and then release products using previously published
mechanisms. However, this potential has only just begun to be realized as the compounds that have been made using engineered PKSs represent a small fraction of the potentially accessible chemical space. In my talk, I will highlight work from our laboratory where we have engineered polyketide synthases to produce a variety of commodity and specialty chemicals.
Prof. Keasling received Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of Michigan in 1991, and then did post-doctoral research at Stanford University. Since 1992, he is working for University of California, Berkeley as a Professor of Departments of Bioengineering, and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. His other positions include Senior Faculty Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Sydney Brenner Visiting Professor of National University of Singapore, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Shenzhen Institutes for Advanced Technologies, CAS, CEO of Joint BioEnergy Institute, Chief Science and Technology Officer for Biosciences of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Investigator of Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability of Technical University of Denmark and Director of the Center for Synthetic Biochemistry of Institute for Synthetic Biology, CAS.
Dr. Keasling’s research focus on metabolic engineering of microorganisms for degradation of environmental contaminants or for environmentally friendly synthesis of drugs, chemicals, and fuels. Up to now, he published over 400 peer reviewed papers and 15 book chapters, with more than 24000 citations (H-factor 78). He had 48 patents and (co-)founded 9 companies. Dr. Keasling is a member of National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Inventors, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Academy of Microbiology, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. Dr. Keasling has won many awards, including Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award, Eni Renewable Energy Prize and Marvin Johnson Award in Microbial and Biochemical Technology.
Contact: NING Siyang, LI Wanjun
Phone: 84379066, 84379197