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Lecture: When Graphene Meets Electrolytes - From Colloidal Processing, Energy Storage to Nanoionics

Posted: 2018-11-14

Time:14th November, 2018, 10:00 am
Venue: Conference Room 201, Basic Energy Science Building
Lecturer:LI Dan, Department of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne School of Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia


On the basis of our research on graphene-based materials in the past decade, this talk will discuss how understanding the interactions between graphene and electrolytes can underpin the R&D of graphene-based materials from the following aspects:

(1) How electrical double layer of graphene can be utilized to solve the solution processability of chemically converted graphene and to make solution-dispersible metal nanoparticle clusters;

(2) How ion electrosorption and transport experiments can be used to probe and quantify the nanostructure of layered graphene-based membranes;

(3) How layered graphene membranes with tunable interlayer distance was discovered and how they can be used as a unique experimental platform to study nanoionics and its applications for energy storage, water purification and chemical separation.


Professor LI Dan is an Australian Laureate Fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Melbourne. His research interests include soft materials based on graphene and 2D nanomaterials, nanoionics, materials intelligence and their application for energy storage and conversion, ion separation, wearable electronics and biomedicine. His research achievements have been recognised through numerous awards including a 2006 ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship, a 2010 Scopus Young Researcher of the Year Award (Engineering and Technology), a 2011 ARC Future Fellowship, a 2016 Changjiang Scholar Award, a 2018 Australian Laureate Fellow and Thomson Reuters’ Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science.

Contact: HOU Xiaocheng Hou
Tel: 0411-84379231