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Lecture: Hydrogen at Scale: Energy System Wide Benefits of Increased Hydrogen Implementation

Posted: 2018-06-26

Time: 26th June, 2018, 2:00 pm
Venue: 1st Floor Conference Room, No.1 Energy Building
Lecturer: Dr. Bryan Pivovar,National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)


Hydrogen, as a flexible, clean energy carrying intermediate, has the potential to be a centerpiece of a future energy system where aggressive market penetration of renewables (wind and solar) are coupled with renewable hydrogen production to meet society’s energy demands. The safety concerns of hydrogen have often been poorly understood due to a lack of appreciation for the science and data of hydrogen and hydrogen systems. This presentation will focus on the role of hydrogen at (grid-) scale and the efforts of a large, national effort to evaluate the potential of hydrogen to play a critical role in our energy future. Facts about hydrogen will be shared, as will the vision of how it will fit into our future energy system. Finally, the R&D needs to enable this future will be discussed along with efforts of our R&D team at NREL to address them.


Dr. Bryan Pivovar is the Fuel Cell Group Manager in the Chemistry and Nanosciences Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, CO where he oversees NREL’s electrolysis and fuel cell R&D. He has been a pioneer in several areas of fuel cell development for vehicle applications, taking on leadership roles and organizing workshops for the Department of Energy in the areas of sub-freezing effects, alkaline membranes, and extended surface electrocatalysis. Since June of 2015, he has been leading a multi-National Laboratory team pursuing ‘Hydrogen at Scale’ as a pathway for deeply decarbonizing our energy system that explores the importance of Hydrogen in transportation and the other energy sectors. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota and led fuel cell R&D at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) prior to joining NREL. He received the 2012 Tobias Young Investigator Award from the Electrochemical Society and has co-authored over 100 papers in the general area of fuel cells and electrolysis.

Contact: LI Wanjun, YU Hongmei
Phone: 84379197,84379051