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Lecture: Looking into the reactor: new techniques of molecular spectroscopy for studies of reaction intermediates and reaction mechanisms in heterogeneous catalysis

Posted: 2015-07-16

Time: 2015.7.16(Thursday)2:00 pm

Location: Hangtian Mansion (NO.19) Conference Room on the third floor

Reporter: Dr. Sebastián E. Collins, National University of Litoral, Argentina.


B.Sc. in Chemistry (2000) – School of Chemical Engineering; National University of Litoral, Argentina.

Ph.D. in Chemistry (2005) – National University of Litoral, Argentina.

Postdoctoral Research(2006)- University of Cádiz, Spain

Independent Reseacher of the Argentinean Science and Technology Council (CONICET)

Professor of Physical Chemistry - University of Litoral at Santa FE- Argentina


Understanding the reaction mechanism and the relationship between architecture of the active sites and their reactivity in heterogeneous catalysts allows the design of new and optimized materials. In our group we develop in situ and operando (under realistic conditions of reaction) techniques to selectively identify reaction intermediaries and to propose reaction pathways. With the aim, we design, model/optimize and build micro-spectroscopic reactors, using multidisciplinary tools. Some examples of the use of these infrared spectroscopy techniques will be discussed for liquid and gas phase systems.