
The Member of United States National Academy of Sciences Prof. William A. Goddard III Visit DICP as Zhang Dayu Lecturer

Posted: 2016-05-04

On April 25th, the Member of United States National Academy of Sciences Professor William A. Goddard III, visited Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. He gave a lecture on “Quantum mechanics based mechanisms for selective catalytic reactions”, authorized by XXI Zhang Dayu Lectureship of DICP.

The presentation illustrates the applications of the Quantum Mechanics methods to catalytic systems, including: i) the reaction mechanism for the electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction on Pt(111) and Pt alloys; ii) critical potentials for CO2 reduction on Cu (100) and (111) surfaces; iii) the reaction mechanism for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) on metal oxides electrocatalysts; iv) The reaction mechanism for the selective catalysis of heterogeneous catalysts. Following the lecture, some deep discussions about the related topic mentioned in the presentation were made and Professor Goddard warmly answered many questions and also gave some effective suggestion.

Prof. William A. Goddard III gave a lecture on “Quantum mechanics based mechanisms for selective catalytic reactions”(Image by LIU Wansheng)

Prof. William A. Goddard III is the Charles and Mary Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Applied Physics, and the Director of Materials and Process Simulation Center (MSC) in California Institute of Technology. The presentation was hosted by Prof. DENG Weiqiao. On the behalf of DICP, Prof. YANG Xueming, the Deputy Director of DICP, awarded Prof. William A. Goddard III the “Zhang Dayu Lectureship” certificate and granted him as an honorary Professor of DICP. (Text by YANG Ruixia/ Image by LIU Wansheng and YANG Bin)

Prof. YANG Xueming awarded Prof. William A. Goddard III the “Zhang Dayu Lectureship” certificate and granted him as an honorary Professor of DICP (Image by LIU Wansheng)



Dr. LU Xinyi

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

457 Zhongshan Road, Dalian, 116023, China,

Tel: 86-411-84379201,

E-mail: luxinyi@dicp.ac.cn 

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